
A Ransomware Attack is as Important as Your Health

Caleb Boma | July 7th, 2020


The healthcare industry continues to be one of the most popular targets for cybercriminals. Across the globe, healthcare companies contain sensitive information for millions of people and give criminals an incentive to perform one large sweep to get the most value out of their attacks. This data also continues to hold value on the dark web and among hacking groups.

Ransomware Attack on Healthcare Industry

Recently, Healthcare Fiscal Management Inc. (HFMI) of North Carolina experienced a ransomware attack where at least 58,000 patients may have had personal information stolen. Luckily, HFMI had backups and was prepared to restore lost data to a different server. Although all the data was recovered, it was still exposed to the attackers for an extended time. SpearTip recommends having a preventative plan rather than a reactive plan and of course, keeping backups isolated from the rest of the network. HFMI was required to notify their patients after this happened and provided free credit monitoring and identity theft protection.

SpearTip’s ShadowSpear® platform can specifically be tailored to the healthcare industry to keep your organization from getting into this exact problem. A U.S.-based 24/7 Security Operations Center monitors your endpoints for malicious events around the clock.

It is more than a tool. It is the human intelligence behind the ShadowSpear® Platform.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What specific steps can individuals and organizations take to protect themselves from ransomware attacks?

To protect themselves from ransomware attacks, individuals and organizations can take several steps, including keeping software and operating systems up-to-date, backing up data regularly, implementing strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, providing regular training to employees, and installing antivirus and anti-malware software.

Are there any specific industries or types of organizations that are more vulnerable to ransomware attacks?

Yes, there are specific industries or types of organizations that are more vulnerable to ransomware attacks, including healthcare, finance, government agencies, and education. These industries are often targeted because they hold sensitive and valuable data, and they may have outdated or inadequate security measures in place.

How can individuals and organizations recover their data and systems after a ransomware attack occurs?

After a ransomware attack, individuals and organizations can recover their data and systems by restoring from a backup, paying the ransom (which is not recommended), or using a decryption tool if one is available. It is important to have a plan in place for how to respond to a ransomware attack before it occurs, and to work with a trusted cybersecurity partner to ensure the best chances of successful recovery.

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