OT Networks

Chris Swagler | October 12th, 2023


Cybersecurity has grown incredibly intricate in our interconnected world, particularly for industries critical to our global infrastructure, such as oil and gas. The recent surge in ransomware attacks targeting these sectors has sparked grave concerns about the safety of their operational technology (OT) networks. Traditionally deemed secure due to their air-gapped nature, OT networks are no longer as impervious as they once appeared. This article delves into the security apprehensions facing oil and gas companies considering ransomware assaults on their air-gapped OT networks.

The Purdue Model and the World of Air-Gapped OT Networks

The Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture, colloquially known as the Purdue model, is a widely accepted framework to structure industrial control systems (ICS) environments. It encompasses hierarchical levels from Level 0 (sensors and actuators) to Level 4 (business systems). Air-gapped OT networks, encompassing components like programmable logic controllers (PLCs), human-machine interfaces (HMIs), and engineering workstations, traditionally resides within Levels 1 and 2 of this model. Historically, these networks were believed to be immune to external threats due to their physical isolation from the corporate IT network.

A New Reality: Erosion of Isolation and Expansion of Attack Surface

The landscape has dramatically shifted with the convergence of IT and OT environments. Third-party contractors and service providers routinely necessitate access to OT networks for maintenance and support, bridging the gap between air-gapped networks and external systems. Routine file transfers between OT and IT networks for operational data, configuration files, and software updates have further weakened the isolation once cherished.

The Active Directory SSO Transformation

The transition from localized logins to Active Directory Single Sign-On (SSO) within OT networks has simplified user access. However, it has also introduced a significant vulnerability. Once a malicious actor infiltrates the network, the shift to centralized credentials streamlines lateral movement, escalating the potential damage from a breach.

Exploiting Weaknesses of Ransomware Attacks

Given the erosion of air-gapped networks, adversaries can now exploit these vulnerabilities. They can infiltrate OT networks and deposit ransomware payloads onto critical assets, including engineering workstations, HMIs, and databases. Once inside, attackers can exploit the network’s interconnectedness to swiftly propagate ransomware, leading to operational downtime, data loss, and substantial financial setbacks.

The Challenge of Traditional MFA for Air-Gapped OT Networks

Dependence on Internet Connectivity

Traditional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solutions often hinge on internet connectivity for verification, rendering them ineffectual in air-gapped environments where continuous network connection cannot be guaranteed. This dependence introduces a chink in the armor of security.

Agent Dependencies

Traditional MFA solutions frequently mandate the installation of agents on devices, which may prove infeasible in OT environments. The presence of legacy systems and concerns about device stability hinder the deployment of these agents, thereby affording attackers opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities.

How Can SpearTip Help?

SpearTip’s engineers have the deep knowledge to integrate MFA quickly and seamlessly into your current systems. This enables you to enhance your security posture. SpearTip’s proactive remediation team will identify the systems requiring MFA and develop a plan to implement the MFA tailored to your environment and needs. During the implementation, we can serve as an additional resource for your current help desk or IT MSP to address questions from users about the MFA solution. SpearTip can help train your users in the new MFA solution for a seamless rollout and ensure your IT team knows how to administer the latest systems and configurations.

As oil and gas companies confront the growing menace of ransomware in an increasingly interconnected world, securing their air-gapped OT networks is paramount. SpearTip is a formidable ally in this battle, providing a robust defense against evolving threats and safeguarding critical infrastructure. Our ShadowSpear Platform, an integrable managed detection and response tool, exposes sophisticated unknown and advanced threats with comprehensive insights through unparalleled data normalization and visualizations. Our security architecture review allows our engineers to engage with companies’ people, processes, and technology to measure the maturity of the security environments. SpearTip’s extensive experience gained through responding to tens of thousands of security incidents and our consulting team’s deep knowledge in researching the most modern security practices will improve companies’ operational, procedural, and technical control gaps based on security standards.

If your company is experiencing a breach, call our Security Operations Centers at 833.997.7327 to speak directly with an engineer.


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