Advisory Services st. louis mo
Advisory Services speartip Clients

Cyber Risk Management

Your organization has cybersecurity weaknesses and vulnerabilities you don’t yet know about. They need to be found because chances are, right now, threat actors may be targeting your organization and its valuable information.

By leveraging SpearTip’s Advisory Services offerings, you will learn how to better protect your organization and defend against even the most sophisticated cyber threats. From ransomware, wire fraud, business email compromise, insider threats, and APTs, threat and attack vectors are continuously increasing. SpearTip’s Advisory Services are focused on real and imminent threats. Not only do we identify the vulnerabilities, but we also offer pragmatic remediation steps that immediately improve your security posture.

Risk Assessments

Engagements designed to review and assess your current security posture

Cybersecurity Health Check

The Advisory Services team delivers a lightweight security maturity check on your security hygiene by aligning your program to the 23 Major NIST categories.

Cybersecurity Gap Analysis / Architecture Review

We assess the overall risk of your security architecture by determining security maturity based on the effectiveness of current security controls and providing recommendations on how to comply with modern security frameworks.

Tabletop Exercises

Tabletops will help your organization determine maturity in responding to a breach.

Vulnerability Assessments

Security evaluations that test the strengths, weaknesses, and resiliency of your security stack

External Vulnerability Assessment

Identify the security risk of an organization’s external environment.

Internal Vulnerability Assessment

Determine the security risk of an organization’s external environment.

Web Application Vulnerability Assessment

Examine how an organization leverages its current technology.

Cloud Vulnerability Assessment

Uncover and remediate cybersecurity risks within cloud infrastructure.

Wireless Vulnerability Assessment

Determine the security risk of a business’ wireless environment.

Firewall Vulnerability Assessment

Assess firewall configuration to identify present vulnerabilities.

Security Program Development

Services that test, educate, and strengthen the organization’s people and ability to respond to incidents

Incident Response Planning

The goal of Incident Response Planning (IRP) is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a client’s current IRP.

Phishing Campaign Assessment

Phishing assessments test and educate personnel at the client organization.

Security Awareness Training

Our training modules educate personnel at the client organization by sending them training emails that contain short videos around a security topic, requiring them to answer questions about the information presented.

Adversary Services

Assessments delivered from the vantage point of a malicious threat actor

Red Team Engagement

The team leverages an Adversary Simulation methodology to understand the security operations of the client organization.

Penetration Testing

This service leverages an Adversary Emulation methodology to identify and measure risks associated with the exploitation of the client’s attack surface.

Threat Hunting

Searching out potential and active threats in the client environment

Ransomware Threat Assessment

Combining policy evaluation and technical testing, the team assesses vulnerabilities within your environment that could lead to ransomware attacks.

BEC Threat Assessment

This hybrid approach of policy evaluation and technical testing includes an assessment focused on vulnerabilities within your environment that could lead to business email compromise (BEC).

Identify the Risks That Matter

SpearTip performs Advisory Services that quickly identify the risks that matter in real-world attacks. Our extensive experience in incident response and forensic analysis provides us with first-hand knowledge in the vulnerabilities being actively leveraged by threat groups to exploit business environments.

Roadmap to Cyber Maturity

Instead of just focusing on patch levels, we examine your entire security posture from the top down during our cybersecurity risk assessment process. Our experienced team will put your policies, procedures, systems, networks, defenses, and staff to the test to find all vulnerabilities and weaknesses. With a cyber maturity-based approach we assess the gap between your current cyber state and where you should be to protect your organization. This is done from several different perspectives depending on the engagement and is customized to meet the needs of your risk management program. It won’t always be easy, but when we’re done, you’ll know your weaknesses and how to fix them.

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments are centered around proactively hardening clients’ overall security response to threats.
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Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability Assessments determine the overall risk of client assets and environments. Vulnerabilities are identified at the level the assessment operates in.
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Security Program Development

Security Engineers aid the client in hardening their security program by building policies, procedures, and training personnel.
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Adversary Services

Penetration Testing leverages modern tools, techniques, procedures, and frameworks to exploit weaknesses before they are uncovered by threat actors.
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Threat Hunting

Threat Hunting is comprised of searching out potential and active threats in the client environment so they can be effectively remediated.
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How SpearTip Helps Businesses Prepare For & Prevent Data Breaches

A proper cybersecurity risk assessment can unearth a lot of dormant issues that could become active problems, but the assessment can also lead to solutions for those problems that will offer many more benefits in return:

  • Reduce, or even eliminate, the long-term costs of a security breach
  • Establish an assessment for your organization’s security to be referenced in the future and show progress in your cyber maturity
  • Enhance greater self-awareness of your organization’s weaknesses and areas to grow
  • Provide practical remediation advice that is immediately applicable.
  • Focus on real-world threats and vulnerabilities that matter.
  • Expose blind spots that most audits simply overlook
Advisory Services prevent data breaches

Advisory Certifications

See how SpearTip stays up to date with industry security standards. All of the certifications below are held by members of our team.

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