BlackByte 2.0

Chris Swagler | July 12th, 2023


Ransomware attacks are a big concern for global companies, and the severity of the problem is growing. Microsoft’s Incident Response team recently studied the BlackByte 2.0 ransomware attacks, revealing their startling velocity and devastating nature. According to the research, threat operators may complete the entire attack process in just five days, from getting initial access to causing considerable harm. They don’t spend time infiltrating systems, encrypting vital data, and demanding a ransom to unlock it. The compressed timetable presents a substantial problem for companies attempting to protect themselves from damaging operations. In the final stage of the attack, BlackByte ransomware is utilized to encrypt the data with an 8-digit numeric key.

Details of BlackByte 2.0 Ransomware Attacks

Threat operators utilize a formidable combination of tools and strategies to carry out the attacks. Additionally, web shells provide them with remote access and control, allowing them to remain active within infiltrated systems. The deployment of Cobalt Strike beacons, which aid in command-and-control operations, was also mentioned in the report. Advanced technologies provide threat operators with various abilities, making it more difficult for companies to protect against them. Along with the tactics, the investigation discovered numerous other disturbing activities used by cybercriminals.

BlackByte 2.o ransomware employ “living-off-the-land” tools to blend with authorized processes and avoid detection. The ransomware changes volume shadow copies on infected machines to hinder data recovery using system restore points. Additionally, the threat operators install specially constructed backdoors, ensuring that the threat operators have persistent access even after the initial compromise. The alarming increase in ransomware attacks requires immediate action from global companies. Microsoft has issued several practical recommendations in response to the finding. Companies are generally encouraged to implement comprehensive patch management procedures that ensure crucial security updates are applied on time. Another critical step is to enable tamper protection, which protects security solutions from malicious attempts to disable or bypass them.

With ransomware groups developing new tactics and methods for quicker infiltration, encryption, and extortion, it’s always essential for companies to remain ahead of the latest threat landscape and regularly update their network security infrastructure. At SpearTip, our certified engineers discover blind spots in companies by comparing technology and internal personnel, which can lead to significant compromises. We go beyond simple compliance frameworks and examine the organization’s day-to-day cyber function. This leads to critical recommendations by exposing vulnerabilities in software and your people and processes. Additional value is provided to insights the SpearTip Advisory Services team gives when the Gap Analysis is completed in conjunction with one, some, or all of our Technical Security Assessments. Identifying technical vulnerabilities inside and outside the organization provides a deeper context to potential environmental gaps. With our firewall review services, we analyze the configurations and interactions of your network infrastructure with the expertise of a skilled penetration tester. SpearTip discovers vulnerabilities in firewall systems and enables you to dedicate your resources to evaluate and prioritize fixes. This will provide visibility of actual network gaps, including existing false negatives. SpearTip provides clear remediation steps for all uncovered weaknesses to ensure a strengthened security posture.

If your company is experiencing a breach, call our Security Operations Centers at 833.997.7327 to speak directly with an engineer.


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