Chris Swagler | July 7th, 2023

This weekly ransomware wrap-up features ransomware groups and other cyber threat operators ramping up their operations on high-profile companies during the 4th of July holiday weekend.

Townsquare Media has been the victim of a ransomware attack. ALPHV has taken credit for gaining unauthorized access to 251GB of the company’s data, including files sourced from the company’s servers and workstations.

The Port of Nagoya, the largest and busiest port in Japan, has been targeted in a ransomware attack impacting the operation of container terminals.

Law Foundation of Silicon Valley was hit by a sophisticated ransomware attack that disrupted its services and 42K+ clients and staff were exposed.

Taiwanese semiconductor giant TSMC confirmed that one of its hardware suppliers was breached by LockBit ransomware and had data stolen from it.

Russian ransomware gang BlackCat, also known as ALPHV, has claimed that it has stolen 7TB of data from Barts Health National Health Service (NHS) Trust.