Cyber Threats

Chris Swagler | July 18th, 2023


Here are some crucial insights on the most critical cyber threats and trends for the first half of 2023. Numerous notable events require companies’ immediate attention.

The Most Critical Cyber Threats and Trends

  1. SEO-Boosted Attacks – Cybercriminals use search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to manipulate search rankings and direct unsuspecting users to malicious websites. Threat operators use keywords and other SEO methods to ensure their malicious sites appear at the top of search results. The attacks, known as SEO-boosted attacks, are becoming more common, bypassing traditional protection, including outbound click blocking. When looking for sensitive information or popular downloads, stay alert and cautious.
  2. Malvertising – Similarly, cybercriminals are using malicious advertising (malvertising) operations to increase the rankings of their sites for specific keywords. The method entails showing deceptive ads that redirect users to malicious websites. The methods can affect even legitimate search results since cybercriminals develop lookalike websites that closely resemble reputable ones. Be wary of deceptive advertisements and proceed with caution when clicking on search results.
  3. Developers as a Target – Cybercriminals have identified developers as prime targets for cyberattacks. Developers with elevated privileges and access to essential systems may unintentionally inject malicious components into the software supply chain. Developers require specialized security measures because of the nature of their work environment, which frequently involves experimentation and code development. Endpoint protection software built for companies’ workstations may not secure developers’ systems sufficiently. Companies need to make sure that their developers are using adequate security measures.
  4. Offensive Uses of AI – With large language models (LLMs), including ChatGPT becoming more common, threat operators are looking for ways to use AI tools for malicious purposes. Non-technical people can use AI to create exploits and easily find zero-day vulnerabilities. Defenders face enormous hurdles as AI capabilities improve at a rapid pace. Understanding the developments, having expert mitigations, and improving defensive depth is critical in an evolving threat landscape.
  5. Weaponizing AL for Social Engineering – Expert cybercriminals to increase their use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve social engineering and impersonation attacks. Threat operators can develop credible identities and persuasively manipulate others into giving crucial information using AI-driven tactics. The trend emphasizes the need to educate employees about social engineering risks and have comprehensive security awareness training.

By understanding the cyber threats and trends mentioned above, companies can be better prepared for the second half of 2023 with enhanced security measures and remaining vigilant of the threat landscape. At SpearTip, our cybersecurity awareness training is designed to educate individuals and companies about best cybersecurity practices and to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their systems and data from cyber threats. Our training covers password security, phishing scams, social engineering, malware, data protection, and network security. By providing cybersecurity awareness training, companies, and their employees can better understand the risks of the cyber landscape and develop impactful cybersecurity practices that reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks. Cybersecurity awareness training is an essential component of any comprehensive strategy to protect sensitive information, such as personal data, financial information, or intellectual property, and prevent data breaches, system downtime, and other negative consequences from cyberattacks.

If your company is experiencing a breach, call our Security Operations Centers at 833.997.7327 to speak directly with an engineer.


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