Cyber Defenses

Joe Hoosech | June 15th, 2022


For any business assessing its security posture and cyber defenses for the first time or one finally ready to seriously secure its operations, the process is truly daunting. There is an incredible number of variables to consider when structuring a meaningful cybersecurity posture and cyber defenses and a lot of stress in simply envisioning your business suffering through a critical incident.

What’s even more stressful, however, is the day your business actually experiences the inevitable ransomware attack. Global insurance broker and risk advisor, Marsh, reported 51% of businesses around the globe were victimized by ransomware in the past year. With these malicious attacks on the rise, the cliché ‘it’s a matter of when not if’ proves itself to be true.

Given the complexities of establishing a truly mature cyber security posture and cyber defenses, particularly for those who have never navigated the waters or are overwhelmed by the process, SpearTip is your ideal company.

Importance of Cyber Defenses

In case the worst were to happen in the next 24 hours, the best first step is to identify and contact a business that offers comprehensive cybersecurity protection, including rapid incident response (IR) capabilities. Our dedicated team can respond within minutes, reclaim your network in a matter of hours, and restore your operations in less than two days, all of which can be completed remotely. If necessary, we will send a team on-site to assist in the recovery process.

Once you have an IR client, it’s time to build a comprehensive security solution that works specifically for your business needs while ensuring all business-critical data remains protected. It’s difficult to capture the immensity of this challenge given the innumerable variables of one’s cybersecurity posture and cyber defenses: every endpoint is a potential access vector, every employee is a potential phishing or social engineering victim, every toolset or application used to do business is a potential vulnerability to be exploited. As a result of these complexities and the inordinate stress they may catalyze, it becomes difficult to know where to start.

In addition to our IR experience and competencies, SpearTip offers a comprehensive range of proactive risk assessments and advisory services designed to test the limits of your entire cybersecurity posture and cyber defenses, from the outside-in and the inside-out. Our team of certified penetration testers will locate every diminutive security gap a threat actor could exploit and then remediate; we review every system and process involved in accessing, storing, and maintaining data, then implement procedures to strengthen any weakness; we train employees at every level to identify and defuse malicious network activity when present, and conduct customized tabletop exercises to ensure business leaders make effective, efficient decisions in the face of a serious incident. Our advisory, implementation, training, and service-based proactive services will provide insight into your security posture and cyber defenses and a thorough roadmap to make it more mature than ever.

While SpearTip assesses and remediates any of your business’ security gaps, we also actively monitor every endpoint connected to your network from our 24/7 Security Operations Center. Our team of certified engineers is empowered to act in real-time to neutralize ransomware before it gains an environmental foothold so the incident you’ve thoroughly prepared for never happens. When not countering attack attempts, our experienced team engages in active threat hunting to ensure we—and by transitive relation, you—remain several steps ahead on the threat landscape.

When you partner with SpearTip, you gain one cohesive team that supports you end-to-end, 24/7/365 allowing you to run your business without worrying about your cybersecurity. While it’s impossible to avoid being the target of threat actors, there is no need to endure the downtime, data loss, or stress accompanying a successful cyberattack. Incident preparations and security hardening are comprehensive, continuous, unbounded processes, not simply a document of instructions to follow in a ‘break glass in case of emergency’ situation.

Next time you’re wondering what to do when you don’t know what to do, contact us at SpearTip. We can help.

Phone: 800.236.6550 Email:

If your company is experiencing a breach, call our Security Operations Center at 833.997.7327 to speak directly with an engineer.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the most common types of cyberattacks that businesses face today, and how can they protect themselves against them?

One of the most common types of cyberattacks that businesses face today is phishing, where attackers try to trick employees into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware. Another common attack is ransomware, where attackers encrypt a company's data and demand payment for its release. To protect themselves against these attacks, businesses can implement strong email security measures to detect and block phishing attempts, regularly update their software and systems to patch vulnerabilities, and regularly back up their data to minimize the impact of a ransomware attack.

How can businesses ensure that all of their employees are properly trained on cyber security best practices, and what are some effective training methods?

To ensure that all employees are properly trained on cyber security best practices, businesses can provide regular training sessions or workshops on topics such as recognizing phishing emails, creating strong passwords, and avoiding suspicious links or attachments. They can also conduct simulated phishing campaigns to test employees' awareness and provide immediate feedback and additional training if needed. Another effective method is to establish clear cyber security policies and procedures that employees must adhere to, and regularly communicate and reinforce these policies through various channels such as email newsletters, posters, or intranet portals.

Are there any specific technologies or tools that businesses can implement to enhance their cyber defenses, and how do they work?

There are several technologies and tools that businesses can implement to enhance their cyber defenses. For example, firewalls can be deployed to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic, blocking unauthorized access and potential threats. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) can be used to detect and prevent unauthorized access or suspicious activities within the network. Endpoint security solutions, such as antivirus software and endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools, can help protect individual devices from malware and other threats. Additionally, implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) can add an extra layer of security to protect against unauthorized access to sensitive accounts or systems.

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